The Oracle at Delphi's Predictions for the Mueller Investigation

With the high drama taking place in our government in crisis, I felt it necessary to travel to Delphi, climb the mountain and consult the great Oracle. The Oracle told me that the following will occur with regard to the Mueller investigation: 1. Trump will attempt to have Deputy AG Rosenstein fire Robert Mueller as Special Prosecutor. Rosenstein stated in his Congressional testimony that Mueller is doing a superb job and he has no cause to fire him. Rosenstein stated this because he was under oath and it’s the truth. Rosenstein made it very clear in his testimony that he is not willing to go to prison or lose his license by undertaking an order from Trump to fire Mueller when there is no cause to do so. 2. Rosenstein will be fired by Trump. Trump will attempt to replace Rosenstein and have a difficult time doing so. They will be unable to find an attorney who is willing to risk indictment, prison or loss of his or her law license....